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Greater Europe

Gli amici di Venezia onlus è un’associazione di volontariato nata a Venezia il 24 luglio 2007. Il fondatore è Giorgio Girelli che, con la moglie Brunella Cortesi e nove amici, decise di raccogliere fondi per progetti mirati a favore dei bambini del Terzo mondo e per lo sviluppo e la crescita effettiva di alcune comunità locali tra le più povere al mondo. Gli ambiti d'intervento sono: salute, istruzione e sviluppo agricolo. L’associazione e i suoi soci, circa 150, prestano la loro attività gratuitamente e il 100% delle somme raccolte viene utilizzata per i progetti programmati. L’obiettivo generale è promuovere lo sviluppo delle comunità dove l’estrema povertà, la mancanza di acqua e di cibo, le malattie endemiche e le difficoltà di accesso all’istruzione rappresentano una drammatica costante quotidiana. Circa il 40% degli stati africani si collocano agli ultimi posti delle classifiche di ricchezza nazionale e l’elenco delle 50 nazioni meno sviluppate del mondo, stilata dall’ONU, vede ben 23 posizioni occupate dall’Africa. Inoltre la cattiva distribuzione delle risorse idriche, lo scarso progresso nelle tecniche di coltivazione e i cambiamenti climatici rallentano lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, lasciando immutata la condizione della povertà africana. La loro associazione si propone di migliorare le condizioni di vita mediante l’accesso alle fonti d’acqua potabile, la realizzazione di piccoli presidi medici e di strutture scolastiche, cercando di operare nel rispetto delle tradizioni, delle religioni e dell’ambiente. Gli Amici di Venezia onlus è un’associazione privata, autonoma e apartitica. Fin dall’inizio si è dedicata a progetti importanti e ambiziosi, grazie al sostegno di soci generosi e sensibili. Gli amici di Venezia onlus si autofinanzia attraverso: tesseramento dei soci, donazioni, eventi periodici come cene, brunch, incontri conviviali, lotterie e aste, mercatini di prodotti artigianali etiopi e tanzaniani, vendita di marmellate prodotte dai soci, miele e caffè. Tutti gli associati collaborano gratuitamente alle attività di raccolta dei fondi e alle spese dei viaggi, circa quattro all’anno, che sono interamente a carico del singolo socio, non gravando così sull’associazione. Per il coordinamento dei nostri progetti in loco ci appoggiamo al VIS, “Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo”, un’organizzazione non governativa che ha sede ad Addis Abeba.

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Koopera es un grupo de cooperativas de iniciativa social y empresas de inserción. Su principal objetivo es la lucha contra la exclusión social y la inserción sociolaboral de personas en situación de riesgo y de exclusión social, mediante actividades principalmente en defensa del medio ambiente. Se enfocan en cinco áreas de acción que son: servicios ambientales, consumo sostenible en sus 16 tiendas, recuperación y reciclaje, inclusión sociolaboral y cuidado de personas. Koopera también desarrolla acciones de formación en diferentes sectores profesionales tales como Comercio y Marketing, Seguridad y Medioambiente y Servicios Socioculturales y a la Comunidad, dirigidas a personas en riesgo de exclusión social. Estas personas reciben un acompañamiento personalizado, el cual potencia las habilidades blandas de la persona y aumenta sus oportunidades de inserción sociolaboral. Tras la actividad formativa, Koopera propone una experiencia práctica profesional no laboral en una de sus empresas colaboradoras, pudiéndose obtener una oferta de empleo al finalizarlas. Sea cual sea la resolución de las prácticas, estas personas formarán parte de una bolsa de empleo, la cual se tendrá en cuenta para futuras opciones laborales. Los valores de Koopera emanan de la voluntad de disponer la economía al servicio de las personas y aceptan y complementan los de la Economía Solidaria y los Principios Cooperativos. Es posible colaborar con Koopera, depositando tu ropa, juguetes, libros, aparatos eléctricos, etc., que ya no necesitas, en el contenedor Cáritas Koopera más cercano; consumiendo sosteniblemente en las tiendas Koopera Store; contratando sus Servicios Ambientales; utilizando sis Servicios de Cuidado de Personas; acudiendo al Centro Formativo Koopera Social Training; y entrando a formar parte del Club Koopera.

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Voluntechies es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro española que realiza actividades de voluntariado corporativo y RSC desde 2015. Voluntechies ofrece una innovadora experiencia inmersiva a través de talleres con realidad virtual a aquellos que más lo necesitan, como los niños/as hospitalizados, personas mayores o discapacitados. El objetivo principal es ofrecer un momento de alegría y diversión, para que los participantes puedan olvidarse por un momento del dolor, la enfermedad o la soledad y disfrutar como nunca antes lo habían hecho. En Voluntechies están convencidos de que pueden utilizar las nuevas tecnologías para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas, sobre todo, de aquellos que se encuentran en una situación de mucha vulnerabilidad. Es por ello que tienen un objetivo claro, haber ayudado a 1 millón de personas en 2030. Gracias a sus divertidos talleres consiguen transportar a las personas que participan "fuera" de su realidad, llevándolos a descubrir las profundidades del océano, dar un paseo por la playa o hacer trekking en el Himalaya. Lo mejor de todo es que también les enseñan a cómo montar sus propias gafas de RV, dándoles así una herramienta para que puedan seguir disfrutando de muchas más aventuras. Voluntechies is a Spanish non-profit association that has been carrying out corporate volunteering and CSR activities since 2015. Voluntechies offers an innovative immersive experience through virtual reality workshops to those who need it most, such as hospitalized children, the elderly or disabled. The main objective is to offer a moment of joy and fun, so participants can forget about pain, illness or loneliness for a moment and enjoy like never before. At Voluntechies they are convinced that they can use new technologies to improve people's quality of life, especially those who are in a highly vulnerable situation. That is why they have a clear goal, to have helped 1 million people by 2030. Thanks to their fun workshops they manage to transport the people who participate "outside" their reality, taking them to discover the depths of the ocean, take a walk on the beach or go trekking in the Himalayas. Best of all, they also teach them how to assemble their own VR glasses, giving them a tool, so they can continue enjoying many more adventures.

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La Fundación Cibervoluntarios es una red de voluntariado tecnológico que tiene como objetivo transformar el mundo. Es una ONG española de ámbito internacional, impulsada en 2001 por emprendedores sociales con el fin de promover el uso y conocimiento de la tecnología como un medio para paliar brechas sociales, generar innovación social y empoderamiento en la ciudadanía, favorecer sus derechos y potenciar sus oportunidades. Su trabajo se basa en la colaboración. Actualmente, cuentan con una red de 1700 cibervoluntarios/as y más de 1000 organizaciones con las que colaboran de forma directa habitualmente. Con sus actividades llegan anualmente a unas 63.000 personas formadas. Sus principales líneas de acción son realizar actividades desde lo local a lo global, en colaboración directa anual con entidades, siempre utilizando herramientas tecnológicas como medio para resolver necesidades de forma innovadora, abierta, transparente, ética, sostenible e inclusiva. La Fundación Cibervoluntarios persigue la idea de promover el uso y el conocimiento de la tecnología por parte de la ciudadanía para garantizar los Derechos Humanos. Así como conseguir que todas las personas tengan, por igual, la oportunidad de acceder, conocer y utilizar las tecnologías como medio para mejorar cualquier aspecto de su vida y/o la de su entorno. Para lograr esto, la Fundación crea proyectos a medida de forma colaborativa, casi siempre replicables y escalables, de lo local a lo global. Sus proyectos se caracterizan por estar realizados de forma disruptiva, abierta, transparente, ética, sostenible e inclusiva, porque la idea es ofrecer un enfoque de la tecnología como herramienta que ayuda a la ciudadanía a generar impacto y transformación social. En resumen, Cibervoluntarios es una entidad pionera en voluntariado tecnológico, un referente a nivel internacional que aúna la tecnología y lo social. En toda su trayectoria han conseguido identificar procesos replicables, que permiten, a través del uso social de la tecnología, gestionar intangibles y construir proyectos que consiguen un impacto social, de mejora de la calidad de vida en el entorno. Cibervoluntarios es una marca reconocida y valorada internacionalmente: Cibervoluntarios.

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SINGA se esfuerza por impulsar una sociedad inclusiva que abrace diversidad y por una economía innovadora que permita a todos, independientemente del origen, realizar su potencial profesional y social. Se trata de una asociación que genera vínculos y ecosistemas inclusivos entre personas migrantes, refugiadas y gente local a través del emprendimiento, la creatividad y el diseño. Apoyan a personas creativas, emprendedoras, transformadoras y creadoras para lograr su potencial a través de una red colaborativa. A través de eventos y talleres participativos, crean espacios físicos y mentales para la construcción de vínculos y crean una plataforma para que los miembros de la comunidad puedan comunicar sus proyectos. También proponen constantemente programas, talleres e incubadoras, enfocadas en potenciar proyectos y emprendimientos de personas migrantes, e impulsar la diversidad en el mundo de las startups. Además, ofrecen consultoría de diseño e innovación social, para acompañar a las organizaciones en sus procesos de cambio para generar impacto social positivo. Desde 2012, SINGA ha estado creando estos eventos, herramientas y nuevos espacios para motivar tanto a las personas recién llegadas como a las personas locales a encontrar sinergias, aprender unos de otros y construir juntos un futuro más brillante, gracias a: Una comunidad global de 50.000 miembros que reúne a personas refugiadas, migrantes y personas locales a través de pasiones, habilidades y proyectos comunes. Una red de incubadoras locales en 18 ciudades de 7 países que trabaja con personas emprendedoras para desarrollar proyectos de inclusión exitosos. Un ecosistema virtuoso que une a la comunidad, líderes e instituciones para reinventar la inclusión y el futuro de la migración. SINGA España empezó en diciembre 2018 en Barcelona. Desde entonces, han realizado más de 20 eventos de formación, interculturalidad y diversión con más de 15 organizaciones colaboradoras y se ha alcanzado una comunidad de +200 personas. Hasta el momento, ya han cocreado 3 programas basados en la mentoría y la preincubación.

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El Santuario Winston funciona como una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada al cuidado de caballos que se encuentran desprotegidos. Este Santuario comenzó en noviembre de 2012 como una asociación, y no es sino hasta 2016 que deciden convertirse en Santuario, es decir, en un lugar que alberga animales, procurándoles una vida digna y lo más parecida a lo que sería estar en libertad en su habitad natural. La mayoría de los animales cuando llegan al Santuario, tienen problemas físicos y psicológicos. Por lo que en el Santuario son atendidos para curar sus heridas físicas con recursos veterinarios y algunos tratamientos alternativos que conocen. En cuanto a los problemas psicológicos que puedan presentar, tales como miedo a boxes, miedo al manejo, miedo a los humanos, depresión por separación de sus compañeros de vida, etc., cuentan con profesionales que les sirven de guía, manteniendo durante el proceso de recuperación una constante observación, respetando el espacio y el tiempo que requieren los animales y ofreciéndoles todo el amor y la atención necesaria para que sanen sus heridas. Aunque el ambiente fue pensado para ayudar con la recuperación de caballos, en el Santuario acogen a cualquier animal que necesite un espacio para vivir tranquilo. Es por eso que han albergado a una gran variedad de especies y, actualmente, es posible encontrar caballos, ponis, burritos, ovejas, cabras, perros, gatos y gallinas, y seguramente no va a parar aquí. Con más de 9 años de trayectoria salvando animales, las personas que trabajan en el Santuario Winston, ya han ayudado directamente a más de 200 animales, e indirectamente, a muchos otros que reciben la atención que necesitan gracias a las charlas, talleres, visitas y otras actividades que fomentan la creación de conciencia y el correcto cuidado que se debe tener para con los animales. Existen varias figuras que permiten apoyar la causa del Santuario, que permiten que cualquier persona interesada pueda participar ya sea haciendo labores de voluntariado, como socio o colaborador, o apadrinando a uno de los caballos.

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My name is Glorymar Hernandez, but I prefer to be called “Glory”. I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, and grew up amid the crowds of the city, the tranquility of the Andean mountains and the joy of the Caribbean coast. A mixture that has taught me to enjoy wherever I am, that aroused my curiosity to know the world, and that has helped me to adapt, with relative ease, to changes. I have a degree in Philosophy, my research works are in Philosophy of Language. Since 2019 I have been working as a Spanish teacher. I decided to start teaching my mother tongue thanks to my experience learning other languages. I had the opportunity to live for a year in Ireland, where I went to learn English and, currently, I am in Italy, where I have had the opportunity to learn Italian. These experiences allowed me to realize that, although seeking perfection when trying to “speak like a native” is the ideal, what really matters is being able to communicate, make ourselves understood and be open to the experience of knowing other cultures and understand that there are many different points of view. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work in different contexts such as banking, outsourcing consular procedures, and teaching at university level. The biggest lesson I learned from these experiences is that I am not an office person. I prefer to own my time and have the freedom to work wherever I am. For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish online and to enter the digital world. I consider myself a very curious and versatile person, that is why in my free time I enjoy handcrafting (such as sewing or knitting), volunteering, being in contact with nature, and trying to learn new things, like playing the guitar. Regarding my geographical preferences, the beach and the mountains are my main refuges, because I can escape from the noise of the city and connect with myself. That is why I would like to be able to live with my husband on a mountain, not far from the sea.

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Luigi Ciotti è nato nel 1945 a Pieve di Cadore (Bl), nelle Dolomiti. Emigrato con la famiglia a Torino negli anni ’50, ha fondato nel 1965 il Gruppo Abele, Associazione che promuove l’inclusione e la giustizia sociale attraverso un impegno che salda accoglienza e cultura, dimensione educativa e proposta politica. È stato ordinato sacerdote nel 1972 da padre Michele Pellegrino, che gli ha assegnato come parrocchia “la strada”, luogo di povertà e di fragilità, di domande e provocazioni dalle quali imparare. Col Gruppo Abele, da più di cinquant’anni, ha costruito e costruisce opportunità e progetti per le persone tossicodipendenti, per le ragazze prostituite, per gli ammalati di aids, per gli immigrati e tutte le persone segnate da povertà e fragilità esistenziali. A questo si è aggiunto un impegno di ricerca, informazione e formazione attraverso un centro studi, una casa editrice, due riviste e percorsi educativi rivolti a giovani, operatori e famiglie. L’attenzione di don Luigi e del Gruppo Abele si è estesa negli anni a diversi ambiti, dalla mediazione dei conflitti allo studio delle nuove forme di dipendenza, dai progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo, oggi concentrati in Africa, allo strumento delle cooperative sociali per dare dignità e lavoro a persone con storie difficili, al settore culturale e formativo, un ambito che raggruppa iniziative e progetti di vario genere, accomunati dall’intenzione di fornire al pubblico strumenti per la riflessione e lo studio, in particolare sui temi del lavoro sociale. Ecco dunque le attività culturali, informative, educative, di prevenzione e formazione promosse dal Centro Studi, Documentazione e Ricerche (1975), dall’“Università della Strada” (1978), dalla casa editrice “Edizioni Gruppo Abele” (1983), dalla libreria “La Torre di Abele” (1994), dalle riviste “Animazione Sociale” (1971) e “Narcomafie” (1993), dal servizio di Mediazione dei conflitti (1995), dal “Piano Giovani” (2001). "Nella vita ho due grandi punti di riferimento, il Vangelo e la Costituzione. La mia vita è spesa nel cercare di saldare il Cielo e la Terra, la salvezza celeste con la dignità e la libertà terrena." (don Luigi Ciotti) Convinto dell’importanza del “noi”, don Luigi ha promosso reti di impegno sociale. Fra queste il Coordinamento nazionale delle Comunità di accoglienza (CNCA), che ha presieduto per oltre 10 anni, e la Lega italiana per la lotta all’Aids (LILA), della quale pure è stato presidente. Don Luigi Ciotti fonda Libera. Nel corso degli anni ’90, il suo impegno si è allargato alla denuncia e al contrasto al potere mafioso, dando vita al mensile “Narcomafie” e nel 1995 a Libera – Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie. Nel novembre 2000, durante la terza conferenza nazionale sulle droghe Ciotti con il Gruppo Abele denuncia il mancato coinvolgimento dell’associazionismo sul piano delle politiche in materia e rivendica il diritto alla cura per le persone dipendenti da sostanze stupefacenti e nel 2004 si oppone alla Legge Fini-Giovanardi, il pacchetto di misure che tra le altre cose inasprì le sanzioni per il consumo di droghe. Nel 2007 è una delle poche personalità cattoliche a schierarsi a favore delle proposte del governo Prodi per le coppie di fatto. Nel 2008 denuncia la pericolosità dell’introduzione del reato di immigrazione clandestina. Nel 2014 Famiglia Cristiana lo ha eletto italiano dell’anno e Papa Bergoglio ha presenziato con lui alla Veglia in memoria delle vittime innocenti di tutte le mafie. Con il Gruppo Abele è impegnato in prima persona nel contrasto alle povertà e nella rivendicazione dei diritti per rifugiati e migranti. Luigi Ciotti was born in 1945 in Pieve di Cadore (Bl), in the Dolomites. Emigrated with his family to Turin in the 1950s, in 1965 he founded the Abele Group, an association that promotes inclusion and social justice through a commitment that strengthens hospitality and culture, an educational dimension and a political proposal. He was ordained a priest in 1972 by Father Michele Pellegrino, who assigned him as a parish "the road", a place of poverty and fragility, of questions and provocations from which to learn. With the Abele Group, for more than fifty years, it has built and builds opportunities and projects for drug addicts, prostituted girls, AIDS patients, immigrants and all people marked by poverty and existential fragility. To this was added a commitment to research, information and training through a study center, a publishing house, two magazines and educational courses aimed at young people, operators and families. The attention of Don Luigi and the Abele Group has extended over the years to various areas, from the mediation of conflicts to the study of new forms of dependence, from development cooperation projects, now concentrated in Africa, to the tool of social cooperatives to give dignity and work to people with difficult histories, to the cultural and training sector, an area that brings together initiatives and projects of various kinds, united by the intention of providing the public with tools for reflection and study, in particular on the issues of social work. Here are the cultural, informative, educational, prevention and training activities promoted by the Study, Documentation and Research Center (1975), by the "Università della Strada" (1978), by the publishing house "Edizioni Gruppo Abele" (1983), by bookshop “La Torre di Abele” (1994), from the magazines “Animazione Sociale” (1971) and “Narcomafie” (1993), from the Conflict Mediation service (1995), from the “Piano Giovani” (2001). "In life I have two great points of reference, the Gospel and the Constitution. My life is spent trying to weld Heaven and Earth, heavenly salvation with earthly dignity and freedom. " (Don Luigi Ciotti) Convinced of the importance of "we", Don Luigi promoted networks of social commitment. These include the National Coordination of Host Communities (CNCA), which he chaired for over 10 years, and the Italian League for the fight against AIDS (LILA), of which he too was president. Don Luigi Ciotti founds Libera. During the 90s, his commitment expanded to denounce and fight against the mafia, giving life to the monthly "Narcomafie" and in 1995 to Libera - Associations, names and numbers against the mafia. In November 2000, during the third national conference on drugs, Ciotti with the Abele Group denounced the lack of involvement of associations in terms of policies on the subject and claimed the right to treatment for drug addicts and in 2004 opposed the Fini Law -Giovanardi, the package of measures that among other things tightened the penalties for drug use. In 2007 he is one of the few Catholic personalities to take sides in favor of the Prodi government's proposals for de facto couples. In 2008 he denounced the dangers of introducing the crime of illegal immigration. In 2014, Famiglia Cristiana elected him Italian of the year and Pope Bergoglio attended the Vigil with him in memory of the innocent victims of all mafias. With the Abele Group he is personally committed to fighting poverty and claiming the rights of refugees and migrants.

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My name is Luis Guillermo Castro Martin. I am a philosopher specialized in philosophy of mind and language. In particular, I am interested in the nature of consciousness, and the way in which we experience and interpret the world. I started my studies at the Central University of Venezuela in 2006, where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in philosophy (2011) and a master’s degree in logic and philosophy of science (2015). In 2012, the university offered me a position as a professor of philosophy and I taught several courses there until 2017, when I enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Genoa, Italy. I have also published several papers in philosophy journals and participated in various international events. In 2020, while writing my PhD thesis, I realized that I had been immersed in philosophy for too long and decided to use my experience to rejoin the real world. In my years studying philosophy, I have learned many things, but the most important is that the world is what we make of it, there is no ultimate truth, no final word. We create our reality. Knowledge has somehow separated us from others and nature, perhaps it can also reunite us. Although I was born in Venezuela, my family is a blending of different nationalities and traditions. I have lived and studied in different countries, which are all part of who I am and what I want to be. My actions define me, not my nationality or my origins. I do not believe in borders or limits; they are only in our minds. The sensation of not belonging can be liberating, once we realize that, by not belonging somewhere, we belong everywhere. I speak three languages (Spanish, English, and Italian) and I enjoy learning from other cultures, as well as transmitting the values of my own. I also enjoy music, sports and nature. I am the author of “Fragments of Mind” on Substack. A space for thinking outside the box, while discussing philosophical matters.

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Moglie, madre, nonna, Paola Thaon di Revel ama i fiori e la natura. L'eredità è il suo background. È cresciuta in una famiglia dove la disciplina militare era un dato di fatto, così come la voglia di divertirsi. Sei sorelle e un fratello, in una grande villa chiamata “Cimena”, dove molti sono venuti in visita: da Umberto I, agli americani colti, ai vicini Bruni Tedeschi sulla stessa collina. Una vita dedicata al marito, Franco Reviglio e ai tre figli con tanti spostamenti e viaggi, in tutto il mondo. Oggi, i sette nipoti e la casa di campagna, regalano giornate intensamente soddisfacenti. Wife, mother, grandmother, Paola Thaon di Revel loves flowers and nature. Heritage is her background. She grew up in a family where military discipline was a given, as well as the desire to have fun. Six sisters and one brother, in a large villa called “Cimena”, and everyone came to visit: from Umberto I, to educated Americans, to the Bruni Tedeschi neighbours on the same hill. A life dedicated to her husband, Franco Reviglio and the three children with many moves and travels, all over the world. Today, the seven grandchildren and country house, make for intensely satisfying days.

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Die GLS Bank ist in Deutschland die Refernz für sozial und ökologisches Banking. Wer bei der GLS Bank Kunde ist, kann sich sicher sein, dass sein Geld dazu beiträgt die Zukunft zu gestalten, die wir uns alle wüsnchen. Investitionen gehen in eigens sehr strickt aufgelegte Fonds welche das 1.5°C Ziel bereits erfüllen. Keine Kinderarbeit, keine Waffen, kein Genforschung oder andere negativ Themen - sondern erneuerbare Energien, Soziales und Kultur, ökologische Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, nachhaltige Wirtschaft und weitere positiv beitragende Vorhaben werden ausschließlich unterstützt. Als Kunde bei der Bank trägt man dazu bei, dass ausschließlich diese positiven Projekte gefördert werden. Der strickte Zuspruch zu sozial und ökologischen Projekten wird bei allen Produkten, die ein Kunde von seiner Bank kennt (Baugredite, Firmenkredite, Altersovrsorge, Anlagen, Investitionen etc) unabweichlich eingehalten. Privatpersonen, Firmen und Vereine werden darüber hinaus aktiv unterstützt ihrn eigenen Impact zu verbessern. Die GLS Bank ist eine Universal-Bank, bei welcher man nahezu alle Finanzdienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen kann - jedoch immer unter einer strickten sozial, ökologischen und nachhaltigen Perspektive. Die Bank ist überwiegend in Deutschland tätig. Es können alle Dienste online wahrgenommen werden und es gibt mehrere Filialen für den persönlichen Besuch. Desweiteren besticht die Bank durch Ihre Rechtsform, die Genossenschaft. Die mitgleiderbestimmte Gesellschaftsform ist darauf gegründet in Gemeinschaft einen gesellschaftlich positiven Beitrag zu leisten. Mit der GLS Bank gibt es keinen Bedarf mehr als Privatperson sowie Firma bei einer konventionellen Bank zu sein und indirekt Umweltvernichtende Projekte zu unterstützen. Die GLS Bank bietet den vollumassenden Banken-Service mit reinem und ehrlichem guten Gewissen. Klimaschutz kann so einfach sein: Werde jetzt Mitglied bei der GLS Bank. The GLS Bank is the reference for social and ecological banking in Germany. Anyone who is a customer of GLS Bank can be sure that their money will help shape the future that we all want. Investments are made in specially designed funds that already meet the 1.5 ° C target. No child labor, no weapons, no genetic research or other negative topics - only renewable energies, social affairs and culture, ecological agriculture, nutrition, sustainable economy and other positively contributing projects are exclusively supported. As a customer at the bank, you help ensure that only these positive projects are funded. The strict encouragement to social and ecological projects is inevitably complied with for all products that a customer knows from their bank (building loans, corporate loans, old-age provision, systems, investments, etc.). Private individuals, companies and associations are also actively supported to improve their own impact. The GLS Bank is a universal bank, where you can take advantage of almost all financial services - but always under a strict social, ecological and sustainable perspective. The bank operates predominantly in Germany. All services can be used online and there are several branches for personal visits. Furthermore, the bank impresses with its legal form, the cooperative. The member-determined form of society is based on making a socially positive contribution in community. With the GLS Bank, there is no longer any need to be a private person or company with a conventional bank and indirectly support environmentally damaging projects. GLS Bank offers the full banking service with a clear and honest good conscience. Climate protection can be so easy: become a member of GLS Bank now.

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Hans-Juergen Wiegand is a man who lives his work passions and family, with determination. A philanthropist, who has held important positions in the chemical and automotive world, in particular with Daimler AG (Mercedes-Benz). He loves to travel, attaining knowledge and experience from different cultures. These experiences have shaped him, with a particular acumen in recognizing the best in human beings. Hans thrives on helping young people, to realize their dreams, as he has realized his own. Hans is an inspirational leader, with the competence to restructure and transform organizations. He is very flexible with people, and stands like a rock when it comes to principles. Whatever happens, he will always stay positive.

 Partners /  Greater Europe

Taking our past into the future with Carolina Reviglio! Carolina enjoyed a carefree childhood in the Piedmont countryside. With many cousins and friends, the passion for culture was instilled from an early age. Surrounded by beauty and art in the family mansion Cimena, expertly curated by her grandmother namesake, Carolina. On the paternal side of the family, her Venetian grandmother was equally influential. The unique character and rich culture of Venice, epitomizes Carolina. While travelling often, she feels most at home, in the isles of Venice. Schooled in Italy and the United States, lived in provinces throughout the length of Italy, Carolina considers herself truly Italian, with an international vision. “My country is rich in heritage, but poor in the pocket to keep it so. It saddens me to see so many buildings in a state of disrepair.” She has honed the skills of renovation and interiors of historic buildings, since 1987. Learning by trial and error, spurned on by failure and ultimate success, Carolina has grown and prospered. Now is the time to give back. Helping artisans of all disciplines to find work and ply their trade with pride. Matching projects to professionals and vice versa. As Heritage Doyenne, Carolina’s primary contribution to this unique initiative, is to encourage the participation of Heritage Ambassadors. This cause is yet another open avenue, to take our past into the future. By intertwining culture and heritage, to create more synergy. “Only once we fully understand where we come from… and truly appreciate our heritage… can we imagine a fabulous future filled with the richness of our past. Life is ours to design!” ~ Carolina Reviglio

 Members /  Greater Europe

