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Die GLS Bank ist in Deutschland die Refernz für sozial und ökologisches Banking. Wer bei der GLS Bank Kunde ist, kann sich sicher sein, dass sein Geld dazu beiträgt die Zukunft zu gestalten, die wir uns alle wüsnchen. Investitionen gehen in eigens sehr strickt aufgelegte Fonds welche das 1.5°C Ziel bereits erfüllen. Keine Kinderarbeit, keine Waffen, kein Genforschung oder andere negativ Themen - sondern erneuerbare Energien, Soziales und Kultur, ökologische Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, nachhaltige Wirtschaft und weitere positiv beitragende Vorhaben werden ausschließlich unterstützt. Als Kunde bei der Bank trägt man dazu bei, dass ausschließlich diese positiven Projekte gefördert werden. Der strickte Zuspruch zu sozial und ökologischen Projekten wird bei allen Produkten, die ein Kunde von seiner Bank kennt (Baugredite, Firmenkredite, Altersovrsorge, Anlagen, Investitionen etc) unabweichlich eingehalten. Privatpersonen, Firmen und Vereine werden darüber hinaus aktiv unterstützt ihrn eigenen Impact zu verbessern. Die GLS Bank ist eine Universal-Bank, bei welcher man nahezu alle Finanzdienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen kann - jedoch immer unter einer strickten sozial, ökologischen und nachhaltigen Perspektive. Die Bank ist überwiegend in Deutschland tätig. Es können alle Dienste online wahrgenommen werden und es gibt mehrere Filialen für den persönlichen Besuch. Desweiteren besticht die Bank durch Ihre Rechtsform, die Genossenschaft. Die mitgleiderbestimmte Gesellschaftsform ist darauf gegründet in Gemeinschaft einen gesellschaftlich positiven Beitrag zu leisten. Mit der GLS Bank gibt es keinen Bedarf mehr als Privatperson sowie Firma bei einer konventionellen Bank zu sein und indirekt Umweltvernichtende Projekte zu unterstützen. Die GLS Bank bietet den vollumassenden Banken-Service mit reinem und ehrlichem guten Gewissen. Klimaschutz kann so einfach sein: Werde jetzt Mitglied bei der GLS Bank. The GLS Bank is the reference for social and ecological banking in Germany. Anyone who is a customer of GLS Bank can be sure that their money will help shape the future that we all want. Investments are made in specially designed funds that already meet the 1.5 ° C target. No child labor, no weapons, no genetic research or other negative topics - only renewable energies, social affairs and culture, ecological agriculture, nutrition, sustainable economy and other positively contributing projects are exclusively supported. As a customer at the bank, you help ensure that only these positive projects are funded. The strict encouragement to social and ecological projects is inevitably complied with for all products that a customer knows from their bank (building loans, corporate loans, old-age provision, systems, investments, etc.). Private individuals, companies and associations are also actively supported to improve their own impact. The GLS Bank is a universal bank, where you can take advantage of almost all financial services - but always under a strict social, ecological and sustainable perspective. The bank operates predominantly in Germany. All services can be used online and there are several branches for personal visits. Furthermore, the bank impresses with its legal form, the cooperative. The member-determined form of society is based on making a socially positive contribution in community. With the GLS Bank, there is no longer any need to be a private person or company with a conventional bank and indirectly support environmentally damaging projects. GLS Bank offers the full banking service with a clear and honest good conscience. Climate protection can be so easy: become a member of GLS Bank now.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

My name is Glorymar Hernandez, but I prefer to be called “Glory”. I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, and grew up amid the crowds of the city, the tranquility of the Andean mountains and the joy of the Caribbean coast. A mixture that has taught me to enjoy wherever I am, that aroused my curiosity to know the world, and that has helped me to adapt, with relative ease, to changes. I have a degree in Philosophy, my research works are in Philosophy of Language. Since 2019 I have been working as a Spanish teacher. I decided to start teaching my mother tongue thanks to my experience learning other languages. I had the opportunity to live for a year in Ireland, where I went to learn English and, currently, I am in Italy, where I have had the opportunity to learn Italian. These experiences allowed me to realize that, although seeking perfection when trying to “speak like a native” is the ideal, what really matters is being able to communicate, make ourselves understood and be open to the experience of knowing other cultures and understand that there are many different points of view. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work in different contexts such as banking, outsourcing consular procedures, and teaching at university level. The biggest lesson I learned from these experiences is that I am not an office person. I prefer to own my time and have the freedom to work wherever I am. For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish online and to enter the digital world. I consider myself a very curious and versatile person, that is why in my free time I enjoy handcrafting (such as sewing or knitting), volunteering, being in contact with nature, and trying to learn new things, like playing the guitar. Regarding my geographical preferences, the beach and the mountains are my main refuges, because I can escape from the noise of the city and connect with myself. That is why I would like to be able to live with my husband on a mountain, not far from the sea.

 Members /  Greater Europe

Gli amici di Venezia onlus è un’associazione di volontariato nata a Venezia il 24 luglio 2007. Il fondatore è Giorgio Girelli che, con la moglie Brunella Cortesi e nove amici, decise di raccogliere fondi per progetti mirati a favore dei bambini del Terzo mondo e per lo sviluppo e la crescita effettiva di alcune comunità locali tra le più povere al mondo. Gli ambiti d'intervento sono: salute, istruzione e sviluppo agricolo. L’associazione e i suoi soci, circa 150, prestano la loro attività gratuitamente e il 100% delle somme raccolte viene utilizzata per i progetti programmati. L’obiettivo generale è promuovere lo sviluppo delle comunità dove l’estrema povertà, la mancanza di acqua e di cibo, le malattie endemiche e le difficoltà di accesso all’istruzione rappresentano una drammatica costante quotidiana. Circa il 40% degli stati africani si collocano agli ultimi posti delle classifiche di ricchezza nazionale e l’elenco delle 50 nazioni meno sviluppate del mondo, stilata dall’ONU, vede ben 23 posizioni occupate dall’Africa. Inoltre la cattiva distribuzione delle risorse idriche, lo scarso progresso nelle tecniche di coltivazione e i cambiamenti climatici rallentano lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, lasciando immutata la condizione della povertà africana. La loro associazione si propone di migliorare le condizioni di vita mediante l’accesso alle fonti d’acqua potabile, la realizzazione di piccoli presidi medici e di strutture scolastiche, cercando di operare nel rispetto delle tradizioni, delle religioni e dell’ambiente. Gli Amici di Venezia onlus è un’associazione privata, autonoma e apartitica. Fin dall’inizio si è dedicata a progetti importanti e ambiziosi, grazie al sostegno di soci generosi e sensibili. Gli amici di Venezia onlus si autofinanzia attraverso: tesseramento dei soci, donazioni, eventi periodici come cene, brunch, incontri conviviali, lotterie e aste, mercatini di prodotti artigianali etiopi e tanzaniani, vendita di marmellate prodotte dai soci, miele e caffè. Tutti gli associati collaborano gratuitamente alle attività di raccolta dei fondi e alle spese dei viaggi, circa quattro all’anno, che sono interamente a carico del singolo socio, non gravando così sull’associazione. Per il coordinamento dei nostri progetti in loco ci appoggiamo al VIS, “Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo”, un’organizzazione non governativa che ha sede ad Addis Abeba.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

We support each other in our commitments to helping others and learning about effective giving. We aim to create a culture where people are inspired to give more, and give more effectively. We believe that charitable donations can do an astonishing amount of good. However, the impact can vary wildly depending on where we donate. Because the difference between charities is astounding, it is important that we donate to the most effective charities if we want to have a significant impact. Giving What We Can was conceived of by Oxford philosopher Toby Ord. He was inspired by the ideas of ethicists such as Peter Singer to commit to donating a large proportion of his income to effective charities. In November 2009, Toby and fellow Oxford philosopher Will MacAskill launched Giving What We Can as an international community of people who were committed to giving more, and giving more effectively. Giving What We Can was one of the first in a growing network of like-minded organisations focused on effective altruism, the project of using evidence and reason to figure out how to best contribute to helping others, and taking action on that basis.

 Listings /  United Kingdom

Girls Who Code is an international non-profit organization working to close the gender gap in technology and change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. With their 7-week Summer Immersion Program, after school Clubs, College Loops program and New York Times best-selling series, they are leading the movement to inspire, educate, and equip young women with the computing skills to pursue 21st-century opportunities. Girls Who Code has reached 300,000 girls around the world. Girls Who Code values diversity, equity and inclusion as essential to their mission. They focus their work not only on gender diversity but also on young women who are historically underrepresented in computer science fields. They offer clubs for students to explore coding in a fun & friendly environment, a wide range of programs aimed at supporting college-aged students and early career professionals (18-25) in persisting in their computer science education and succeeding in their first internships and jobs, and a virtual summer program for high school students to learn coding and make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech.

 Listings /  WorldWide

La Fundación Red de Árboles nace en Colombia en el año 2015 con el deseo de contribuir con la conservación de los distintos ecosistemas de la zona y ayudar a disminuir el impacto ambiental que se genera cada día. El principal objetivo de la fundación es plantar árboles en las zonas que se han visto más afectadas por la actividad humana y/o por desastres naturales. Hasta ahora, ya han plantado más de 70.000 árboles nativos en diferentes lugares de Colombia, tales como Medellín, Cali, Mosquera, Cota y Bogotá. La Fundación puede realizar estas actividades de reforestación gracias al apoyo de empresas y personas naturales que desean contribuir de alguna manera con el ecosistema. Entre los principales colaboradores de la Fundación destaca la empresa Grupo NW S.A.S., quienes donan un porcentaje de las ventas de sus productos a la siembra de árboles. La visión que motiva a la Fundación Red de Árboles es poder convertirse en una organización sin ánimo de lucro mundialmente reconocida por el fomento al respeto, cuidado y restauración de la naturaleza. Actualmente, la Fundación Red de Árboles está desarrollando proyectos en diferentes lugares aptos para la restauración y conservación de los ecosistemas. Estos puntos se caracterizan por ser de alta importancia ecológica y, a su vez, por su gran valor para la sociedad. Para la ejecución de estos trabajos, cuentan con diferentes modalidades de participación que ofrecen una oportunidad a quien quiera contribuir con esta noble causa, ya sea a nivel empresarial, como voluntario, siendo embajador o trabajando con el equipo. Entre los servicios que la Fundación pone a disposición se encuentra la siembra de árboles, la modalidad de adoptar un árbol, la realización de seguimientos a las siembras, mantenimiento, e incluso ofrecen convenios empresariales a empresas que estén interesadas en donar de forma recurrente un porcentaje de sus ingresos, con el fin de apoyar la reforestación de los ecosistemas. La metodología que utilizan para desarrollar nuevos proyectos de reforestación consiste en realizar una visita técnica para conocer las condiciones topográficas y climáticas del lugar, con el fin de escoger el diseño de siembra y las especies forestales más adecuadas. Luego de la jornada de plantación, se toman los datos correspondientes a las características de las especies plantadas, es decir, coordenadas, altura, diámetro DAP y estado fitosanitario que permite hacer un correcto seguimiento de las plántulas. Para poder llevar a cabo este seguimiento, la Fundación Red de Árboles cuenta con un software que se encarga de llevar el control y la logística de las compensaciones forestales, en el que se incluye la topografía, la temperatura, el diseño de siembra, el número de árboles plantados, monitoreo, georeferenciación y foto de cada plántula. “Plantar un árbol es crear vida, hacer historia, formar ilusiones… Es la búsqueda de una sociedad más consciente y un planeta para todos.” Fundación Red de Árboles

 Listings /  South America

La Fundación Cibervoluntarios es una red de voluntariado tecnológico que tiene como objetivo transformar el mundo. Es una ONG española de ámbito internacional, impulsada en 2001 por emprendedores sociales con el fin de promover el uso y conocimiento de la tecnología como un medio para paliar brechas sociales, generar innovación social y empoderamiento en la ciudadanía, favorecer sus derechos y potenciar sus oportunidades. Su trabajo se basa en la colaboración. Actualmente, cuentan con una red de 1700 cibervoluntarios/as y más de 1000 organizaciones con las que colaboran de forma directa habitualmente. Con sus actividades llegan anualmente a unas 63.000 personas formadas. Sus principales líneas de acción son realizar actividades desde lo local a lo global, en colaboración directa anual con entidades, siempre utilizando herramientas tecnológicas como medio para resolver necesidades de forma innovadora, abierta, transparente, ética, sostenible e inclusiva. La Fundación Cibervoluntarios persigue la idea de promover el uso y el conocimiento de la tecnología por parte de la ciudadanía para garantizar los Derechos Humanos. Así como conseguir que todas las personas tengan, por igual, la oportunidad de acceder, conocer y utilizar las tecnologías como medio para mejorar cualquier aspecto de su vida y/o la de su entorno. Para lograr esto, la Fundación crea proyectos a medida de forma colaborativa, casi siempre replicables y escalables, de lo local a lo global. Sus proyectos se caracterizan por estar realizados de forma disruptiva, abierta, transparente, ética, sostenible e inclusiva, porque la idea es ofrecer un enfoque de la tecnología como herramienta que ayuda a la ciudadanía a generar impacto y transformación social. En resumen, Cibervoluntarios es una entidad pionera en voluntariado tecnológico, un referente a nivel internacional que aúna la tecnología y lo social. En toda su trayectoria han conseguido identificar procesos replicables, que permiten, a través del uso social de la tecnología, gestionar intangibles y construir proyectos que consiguen un impacto social, de mejora de la calidad de vida en el entorno. Cibervoluntarios es una marca reconocida y valorada internacionalmente: Cibervoluntarios.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Friends of the Earth fights for a more healthy and just world. Together, we speak truth to power and expose those who endanger the health of people and the planet for corporate profit. We organize to build long-term political power and campaign to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature. Friends of the Earth strives for a more healthy and just world. We understand that the challenges facing our planet call for more than half measures, so we push for the reforms that are needed, not merely the ones that are politically easy. Sometimes, this involves speaking uncomfortable truths to power and demanding more than people think is possible. It’s hard work. But the pressures facing our planet and its people are too important for us to compromise. Friends of the Earth, as an outspoken leader in the environmental and progressive communities, seeks to change the perception of the public, media, and policymakers — and effect policy change — with hard-hitting, well-reasoned policy analysis and advocacy campaigns that describe what needs to be done, rather than what is seen as politically feasible or politically correct. This hard-hitting advocacy has been the key to our successful campaigns over our 47-year history. The world’s problems are too big for tiny fixes around the edges. We are working to transform our economic and political systems through strategic reforms that lead to systemic, radical changes. The corporate pesticide industry douses our environment with billions of pounds of toxic pesticides every year and uses their outsized influence to block fundamental protections for people and the planet. But, using the power of our grassroots membership, we convinced the world’s largest garden retailers, Home Depot and Lowe’s, along with Walmart, Costco and more than 135 others, to phase out bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides. We are committed to growing and strengthening our activist base to fight for change. In order to build long-term political power, we collaborate with broader movements, because the fight to protect our planet is intrinsically tied to the global struggle for justice. When a political appointee or a threatening piece of legislation looms, we work together to stop it.

 Listings /  North America

"All things are possible" I love the outdoors, travelling, animals and people. I was an ardent hiker, and this allowed me to visit some of the most amazing hiking trails in South Africa. What inspires me most is the ability to positively impact the lives of others through the plethora of skills I have acquired over the many years of experience. I have the ability to add value wherever I am placed. I am energised by strategy, new challenges, and the search for the most efficient and impactful solutions. My career began in education. As an educator I enjoyed the children. I know this will always be part of who I am as I will always be passionate about teaching and will continue sharing knowledge, mentoring, and coaching, etc. I ventured into the corporate environment as I excelled with my financial skills and thought that my career would entail the chartered accountant route. I did the required academics, got the job and my focus was numbers and more numbers. Again, I was challenged because my love for people was not satisfied. I once again did a complete change in my career by studying, job shadowing and taking on projects in the learning and development and human resource departments. One of my memorable periods was asking the CFO of the organisation to give me the opportunity to split my job in two areas to show my capabilities and therefore be considered for a position that was eventually created for me. This was exciting and I thrived in this environment. I felt like I was adding value as the position focused on the growth and development of the youth, once again. I knew that I could accomplish more and add more value through venturing out on my own. I started my own business which offers the services of learning and development, strategy, human resources and finance. This has been an exciting journey with many challenges.

 Listings /  Africa

I have been involved in the music industry for the better part of my life. As a performer and creator, I have had the opportunity to entertain many people over the years. I have a great passion for music and the arts in general. As an avid reader, I take great pleasure in immersing myself in the prose of those who are highly skilled in the literary arts. This stood me in great stead when I embarked on a course in Journalism a million years ago. Although I never completed the course, certain skills have stuck with me to this day. My journalistic endeavour was eclipsed by my musical passion. A passion that has given me much joy and also lead to much heartache. Nonetheless, being a staunch collector of music, it wasn’t long before I utilised this collection, and branched out into spinning records on dance floors around the country. Having grown up in Cape Town, South Africa, in the ‘80s, I was embroiled in the struggle for freedom. Battling the apartheid regime. This struggle, which was so much a part of everyday life, gave me a sense of something bigger than myself. A sense of community and belonging to something that was more important than my own personal well-being. Generally speaking, I would like to believe that I am an artist at heart. When I say that I don't mean that I like to draw or paint or any of the other physical manifestations of art. What I mean is that I approach life as art. If that makes any sense. I am the proverbial Jack of all trades. Master of a few. I think my biggest asset is that I am always willing to learn. That is something that I intend to keep doing until the last breath escapes my body.

 Listings /  Africa

Live and love as if there is no tomorrow! Hi, my name is Emmerentia. I was born in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa, in the ‘60’s, which means that I'm an original, retro hippie chick at heart with the good, old-fashioned values to back it up. The highs and lows I’ve dealt with in life have taught me a valuable lesson…time is not guaranteed and is therefore not to be lost. I am enjoying my journey, still learning new life lessons and growing to become the person I am meant to be. I must pay tribute to the University of Experience and the School of Hard Knocks for the valuable contributions you have made to my life path thus far. Stronger. Wiser. Blessed. My passion is to help others to reach their full potential. It is even more difficult to do that in one’s own life (it’s so easy giving advice to others, isn’t it?) but making a direct contribution or figuratively planting a seed and watching it take root in someone else’s life is deeply rewarding. We are on this planet to live good lives and to make a positive difference to our direct environment, wherever our feet may fall. Aim for the stars; never forget your roots. Be yourself, stay humble, be kind, be grateful, make love an action…not a word. My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health. There is no planet B. I’m a big fan of renewable resources, organic gardens and farming and hugging a tree. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos. I am an excellent chef in my kitchen 😊 and I love baking (to put it mildly). My cakes and tarts are wickedly good and not being gluten intolerant is still my highlight of the previous decade! My downtime is spent walking, jogging, going to the beach, horse riding and playing golf. With over 38 years’ combined experience, accumulated by time spent in the corporate world and having 3 businesses over the years, I have a wealth of experience to share and utilize. Words, in a personal bio, aren't plentiful. Not to me, at least. I feel that the chances of someone reading about what your opinion is of yourself and BELIEVING it is remote. The tough part is that you don't know me, nor I you, yet I'm trying to “convince” you that what I say is who I am as a person and that what I say is what it is. The eyes are windows to the soul…that isn't exactly happening here, and that sense cannot always be replaced through words alone. So, the moral of the story is that what I list below as my key character traits, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, experience, etc. is in reality simply just that. Traits: Dedicated, honest, loyal, trustworthy, tenacious, dependable, creative, methodical, sense of integrity, ethical, tough but fair, empathetic, lighthearted and friendly. Strengths: Comfortable in a team environment or working independently, management, skills utilization, delegation, human relations, conflict resolution, analysis, strategizing, implementation, problem-solving, business administration. Weaknesses: Impatience, self-critique, injustice and rudeness stirs my temper, being micro-managed, cheesecake. Experience: Sales, sales management, customer relationship management, business administration, directorship and general management of 3 x businesses previously owned/co-owned. Summary: A self-starter who gets what's required done, pronto. I am self-motivated, enjoy new challenges and try my best to excel at what's before me. I love working with people, as this is simply my passion.

 Listings /  Africa

Born and raised in South-Africa by a single mother in humble surroundings. Doing Taekwondo for years and attained my International black belt with the following principles, this was a part of my childhood that guided me into my adult life: Showing courtesy to others no matter what level of society labelled them; training continuously whether I was up for it or not; showing integrity, even when no one was watching; perseverance when I wanted to give up; self-control when it was difficult to compose myself and learning from my couch to have a indomitable Spirit. Finishing school it was expected of me to follow in the "Afrikaaner Man's" footsteps to have a job where you work many long hours a day, week in and week out, get your salary, sleep and repeat. My passion for music gave me the confidence to follow my heart and to head towards Cape Town for a short holiday, but I ended up staying here and studied for Audio Engineering, whilst completing my studies and gaining experience in the industry. COVID-19 affected the industry drastically, and I had decided to use my spare time productively by enrolling in courses such as Social Media marketing and Programming. I also started a small business where I rent out my sound equipment and host small gatherings and events. Helping friends with their business promotions and seeing how people enjoyed the events I have hosted, it made me realize that I have a passion to better others and their circumstances. Following my dreams against all odds lead me to where I am today and to appreciate every single moment by not wondering about the past or worrying about the future. Focusing on the task at hand and having it complete well within the deadline is what I strive to achieve, and I love learning and gaining knowledge along the way to further myself in everything and anything I get the opportunity for. I am ready for new challenges and know that having a healthy work balance will help me to reach my full potential.

 Listings /  Africa

I am Elnet Girly Ndlovu. I am 29 years old. I was born and raised in Mpumalanga, South Africa. I graduated from high school in the year 2012 and am currently studying for a higher certificate in economics and management sciences through the university of South Africa. I have also obtained a certificate in business administration and Computer literacy of which I seek to study further to do entrepreneurship. I began my career as a customer service representative in 2014. Naturally, I have a growth mindset that enables me to grow and to help me by learning from mistakes to improve myself continually. I am kind, loving, caring and a person who is full of empathy often. I am a go-getter, positive, bubbly person who loves a positive fun filled environment. I am self motivated and also enjoy motivating my team members. I work well in a team or individually. I am passionate about education, uplifting others, entrepreneurship and making a better society for the future generation to come while walking the journey of self-discovery I have more than four years experience in customer service and administration combined with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Administrative Assistance, Meeting Scheduling, Executive Support. I have excellent interpersonal skills, I am also a fast learner and adapt quickly to a new environment My hobbies are reading books, listening to music, walking and learning new things.

 Listings /  Africa

Greetings to one and all. My name is Edith, I am a child of the universe and I want to share that every day is a beautiful day. True, our emotions fluctuate but at some point during each day we will recognise that the day is a gift we have received and if we be true to ourselves this will bring a smile and with it feel good energy. We should take this feel good energy and build on it so that each day it comes easier and earlier and like a muscle it will grow, become more evident and gather momentum and we will feel better for it. I believe in kindness and forgiveness towards others and myself. In a couple of months I will begin the first year of my sixth decade on planet Earth. Twenty years ago I was facing a life threatening illness and not doing too well, I am a miracle. I believe we are all miracles. Some would differ it can be a topic for discussion. I am a widow and live with and take care of my 87 year old mother and 7 year old granddaughter to whom I am foster mother. Thankfully both are well. We live in a truly beautiful spot, the Deep South, Cape Peninsula, CT, South Africa, blessed in many ways I have much wonder and appreciation for this. I was born in Cape Town, grew up and completed my education in the best place in the world to have grown up at that time, yes! Zambia in the sun. I have very fond memories of my formative years in Zambia and still consider myself Zambian. It is the national anthem I sang as a child and I loved the then president, KK, Kenneth Kaunda. I returned to South Africa in 1980 to attend college and begin my independent years and in 1982 I moved to the newly independent Zimbabwe where I spent the next 21 years before returning to my roots in 2003. I have extensive administrative experience - getting things organised, getting things done. With a stable track record, I am able to diversify within different industries. As part of a team I have a strong focus to resolve challenges and enjoy leaving any tasks I am busy with in a user friendly state (do unto others). I pride myself on my attention to detail & due diligence, going the extra mile in terms of improved efficiency and cost effectiveness. I did a one year secretarial course in 1980 and my working life began from there. Living and learning life then became what I did, marriage, babies, etc. I guess I was lazy to further my qualifications, in hindsight I think I would have made a good surgeon LOL. Seriously, I have good eye, hand coordination, a good touch, and, consciously, I have become better at threading the needle. I believe strongly in being true to and honest with myself and I think I was then because family means more to me than a career. And now, I am ready to start that next chapter in my career. I am blessed. I have over the years done various short courses including a deep tissue massage course so I am a certified masseuse however I only massage family and friends as I am no longer physically (strength and stamina) up to doing a job I am comfortable to charge for. Thought that was worth mentioning as it brings me pleasure to help others breathe and take time out. I have always worked in administrative support positions from Girl Friday to Executive PA and everything in between and in many different industries. My last couple of jobs have been from home (virtual) and in a new field namely customer service. This shift was challenging and I am proud to say I managed it pretty well. Working from home is what is necessary at this time given my current living circumstances. This change and the challenge that came with it reminded me that I have strong determination which is a very good thing. I am concerned for my granddaughter’s generation and what life will be like for them as adults, especially the environment they will find themselves in physically, mentally, emotionally. I would love to become more knowledgeable and active in the conservation of water, a precious natural resource that as long as it comes out of the tap when we open the tap many do not really appreciate just how precious it is and therefore the need to respect and conserve it. And, I would love to see the curricula in our educational systems adapting to educating our children to be more self-aware, mindful and able to guide their minds when it comes to EQ. Easy does it.

 Listings /  Africa

Our wonderful green story began in 2009, in the biodiverse corridor of the Umgeni River Valley. Partnering with eThekweni Municipality, our work with the local communities drove our early eco-programme approach. Over time, our Green Corridor hubs emerged across river, ocean and land ecosystems within Durban. They have become our incubators for ground-breaking social and environmental initiatives. Our collective focus has been on youth and sport development, open space management and restoration, and eco-tourism and learning. We’ve generated a growing portfolio of what we call Purpose-Projects, all concentrated on driving local sustainability, creating balanced habitats, and building community resilience. Our story transcends the constraints of wards, borders and regions. We’ve achieved that by embracing eco-system thinking, and highlighting the interdependence of communities with nature. The renaming of Durban Green Corridors to Green Corridors speaks to this, and is a significant step in our organisation’s evolution. We work tirelessly to make connections between what we’ve learned from our local partnerships, to the neighbouring regions and beyond. At Green Corridors, our purpose and ethos makes us strong partners and agents for the realisation of vibrant, sustainable and economically integrated communities. Plunging into a new culture and experience a different way to see the world is one of the key learning aspects of our volunteer program. Living in a new and non-familiar environment and working in a Zulu community in South Africa is part of that unique and requires a special amount of courage. Green Corridors aims to engage young people from various countries in our community development programs around Durban. It is a highly beneficial learning experience for both the volunteers and the community. You as a volunteer will learn a lot about yourself and it gives you the chance to develop cross-cultural communication skills. Further, by sharing your skills and contributing to community based projects, locals get the chance to expand their knowledge and learn from you. Become a volunteer for Green Corridors for a life-changing experience!

 Listings /  Africa

Durban Africa Sports club was founded in 2007 on a need to serve the underprivileged and the community at large through sports development and engagement. Ensuring that the children within the club are given holistic development, Durban Africa Sports Club has run a Life Skills Week workshop annually for the last 4 years. This is supported by motivational speakers, sporting personalities and industry professionals who impart financial and life skills over the duration of the workshop. Durban Africa's next major milestone is the development of a Centre of Sports Excellence which will combine sporting and scholastic development for the underprivileged and SAFA accredited, all of whom are volunteers. This year will focus on development in the under 6-8years a and under 11 age groups. We will make maximum use of all the all funding given to the club to serve our club children and the wider community, as this is "Coaching with a difference".

 Listings /  Africa

As the largest not-for-profit exclusively for young people and social change, DoSomething’s millions of members represent every US area code and 131 countries. Using our digital platform, DoSomething members join our volunteer, social change, and civic action campaigns to make real-world impact on causes they care about. Sorry in advance for the #humblebrag, but here are just a few of our greatest campaigns. This generation is changing the world. We are a digital platform powering offline action by mobilizing about 5 MILLION+ members to change their communities.

 Listings /  WorldWide

Luigi Ciotti è nato nel 1945 a Pieve di Cadore (Bl), nelle Dolomiti. Emigrato con la famiglia a Torino negli anni ’50, ha fondato nel 1965 il Gruppo Abele, Associazione che promuove l’inclusione e la giustizia sociale attraverso un impegno che salda accoglienza e cultura, dimensione educativa e proposta politica. È stato ordinato sacerdote nel 1972 da padre Michele Pellegrino, che gli ha assegnato come parrocchia “la strada”, luogo di povertà e di fragilità, di domande e provocazioni dalle quali imparare. Col Gruppo Abele, da più di cinquant’anni, ha costruito e costruisce opportunità e progetti per le persone tossicodipendenti, per le ragazze prostituite, per gli ammalati di aids, per gli immigrati e tutte le persone segnate da povertà e fragilità esistenziali. A questo si è aggiunto un impegno di ricerca, informazione e formazione attraverso un centro studi, una casa editrice, due riviste e percorsi educativi rivolti a giovani, operatori e famiglie. L’attenzione di don Luigi e del Gruppo Abele si è estesa negli anni a diversi ambiti, dalla mediazione dei conflitti allo studio delle nuove forme di dipendenza, dai progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo, oggi concentrati in Africa, allo strumento delle cooperative sociali per dare dignità e lavoro a persone con storie difficili, al settore culturale e formativo, un ambito che raggruppa iniziative e progetti di vario genere, accomunati dall’intenzione di fornire al pubblico strumenti per la riflessione e lo studio, in particolare sui temi del lavoro sociale. Ecco dunque le attività culturali, informative, educative, di prevenzione e formazione promosse dal Centro Studi, Documentazione e Ricerche (1975), dall’“Università della Strada” (1978), dalla casa editrice “Edizioni Gruppo Abele” (1983), dalla libreria “La Torre di Abele” (1994), dalle riviste “Animazione Sociale” (1971) e “Narcomafie” (1993), dal servizio di Mediazione dei conflitti (1995), dal “Piano Giovani” (2001). "Nella vita ho due grandi punti di riferimento, il Vangelo e la Costituzione. La mia vita è spesa nel cercare di saldare il Cielo e la Terra, la salvezza celeste con la dignità e la libertà terrena." (don Luigi Ciotti) Convinto dell’importanza del “noi”, don Luigi ha promosso reti di impegno sociale. Fra queste il Coordinamento nazionale delle Comunità di accoglienza (CNCA), che ha presieduto per oltre 10 anni, e la Lega italiana per la lotta all’Aids (LILA), della quale pure è stato presidente. Don Luigi Ciotti fonda Libera. Nel corso degli anni ’90, il suo impegno si è allargato alla denuncia e al contrasto al potere mafioso, dando vita al mensile “Narcomafie” e nel 1995 a Libera – Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie. Nel novembre 2000, durante la terza conferenza nazionale sulle droghe Ciotti con il Gruppo Abele denuncia il mancato coinvolgimento dell’associazionismo sul piano delle politiche in materia e rivendica il diritto alla cura per le persone dipendenti da sostanze stupefacenti e nel 2004 si oppone alla Legge Fini-Giovanardi, il pacchetto di misure che tra le altre cose inasprì le sanzioni per il consumo di droghe. Nel 2007 è una delle poche personalità cattoliche a schierarsi a favore delle proposte del governo Prodi per le coppie di fatto. Nel 2008 denuncia la pericolosità dell’introduzione del reato di immigrazione clandestina. Nel 2014 Famiglia Cristiana lo ha eletto italiano dell’anno e Papa Bergoglio ha presenziato con lui alla Veglia in memoria delle vittime innocenti di tutte le mafie. Con il Gruppo Abele è impegnato in prima persona nel contrasto alle povertà e nella rivendicazione dei diritti per rifugiati e migranti. Luigi Ciotti was born in 1945 in Pieve di Cadore (Bl), in the Dolomites. Emigrated with his family to Turin in the 1950s, in 1965 he founded the Abele Group, an association that promotes inclusion and social justice through a commitment that strengthens hospitality and culture, an educational dimension and a political proposal. He was ordained a priest in 1972 by Father Michele Pellegrino, who assigned him as a parish "the road", a place of poverty and fragility, of questions and provocations from which to learn. With the Abele Group, for more than fifty years, it has built and builds opportunities and projects for drug addicts, prostituted girls, AIDS patients, immigrants and all people marked by poverty and existential fragility. To this was added a commitment to research, information and training through a study center, a publishing house, two magazines and educational courses aimed at young people, operators and families. The attention of Don Luigi and the Abele Group has extended over the years to various areas, from the mediation of conflicts to the study of new forms of dependence, from development cooperation projects, now concentrated in Africa, to the tool of social cooperatives to give dignity and work to people with difficult histories, to the cultural and training sector, an area that brings together initiatives and projects of various kinds, united by the intention of providing the public with tools for reflection and study, in particular on the issues of social work. Here are the cultural, informative, educational, prevention and training activities promoted by the Study, Documentation and Research Center (1975), by the "Università della Strada" (1978), by the publishing house "Edizioni Gruppo Abele" (1983), by bookshop “La Torre di Abele” (1994), from the magazines “Animazione Sociale” (1971) and “Narcomafie” (1993), from the Conflict Mediation service (1995), from the “Piano Giovani” (2001). "In life I have two great points of reference, the Gospel and the Constitution. My life is spent trying to weld Heaven and Earth, heavenly salvation with earthly dignity and freedom. " (Don Luigi Ciotti) Convinced of the importance of "we", Don Luigi promoted networks of social commitment. These include the National Coordination of Host Communities (CNCA), which he chaired for over 10 years, and the Italian League for the fight against AIDS (LILA), of which he too was president. Don Luigi Ciotti founds Libera. During the 90s, his commitment expanded to denounce and fight against the mafia, giving life to the monthly "Narcomafie" and in 1995 to Libera - Associations, names and numbers against the mafia. In November 2000, during the third national conference on drugs, Ciotti with the Abele Group denounced the lack of involvement of associations in terms of policies on the subject and claimed the right to treatment for drug addicts and in 2004 opposed the Fini Law -Giovanardi, the package of measures that among other things tightened the penalties for drug use. In 2007 he is one of the few Catholic personalities to take sides in favor of the Prodi government's proposals for de facto couples. In 2008 he denounced the dangers of introducing the crime of illegal immigration. In 2014, Famiglia Cristiana elected him Italian of the year and Pope Bergoglio attended the Vigil with him in memory of the innocent victims of all mafias. With the Abele Group he is personally committed to fighting poverty and claiming the rights of refugees and migrants.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

We desire to see individuals and communities within South Africa living with dignity, justice, hope and purpose. The Domino Foundation works to see individuals and communities transformed through acts of mercy, combating injustice and empowering lives. The Domino Foundation is a non-profit organisation that creates essential structures geared towards supporting people, projects and programmes that are meeting the needs of Individuals and communities physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually through MERCY, JUSTICE, and EMPOWERMENT. The Domino Foundation manages focused interventions to holistically support and empower communities to be active participants in our society. We believe that by addressing three key pillars, effective social change can be achieved. Social Charity - to help those at their time of need. Social Justice - to give orphaned & vulnerable children an equal and fair chance in life. Social Entrepreneurship - using economic development to empower a community. Together these interventions cover a multifaceted approach to community development and we are currently active in a number of impact areas; Social Justice, Nutrition, Education, Health-Care promotion, Environmental Issues. We reach communities within KZN and the Western Cape through a multitude of transformation programmes. Currently, the #DominoEffect is achieved through a number of focused interventions: The Domino Foundation Babies Homes; The Domino Foundation Feeding Programme; The Domino Foundation Early Childhood Development Programme, The Domino Foundation Life Skills Programme, The Domino Foundation Bursary Fund Programme, The Domino Foundation Recycle Swop Shop & The Domino Foundation Red Light Programme.

 Listings /  Africa

I have four passions in life. My sport, family, work and God. Each I pursue with dogged determination to be better and to excel. The greatest blessing and experience in life is the privilege of life is having a loving and supporting wife and incredible children. My relationship with each of them is treasured above all. I am blessed in that I am healthy, enjoy the blessing of life and am extremely active. I am thrilled to be able to compete on the international stage for home and country. Success therein is just a cherry on top. Career and work has been an incredible experience. Knowing what I wanted to be early in high school and achieving such has brought about economic emancipation and a lifestyle I could only dream about as a little boy. I bask in the success and abilities given to me and the blessing poured out in great abundance.

 Listings /  Africa

Hello, I’m Deborah! I was born in Congo RDC and came to Cape Town, South Africa in October 2012 to study at university. I have a National diploma in Financial accounting and a diploma in Financial information system. I am an ambitious young lady and I love to be surrounded by positive people. I’m a dedicated and conscientious team player with the ability to provide support and advice to people, customers, or co-workers and make a difference. I am organized, responsible, very loyal, focused and I can have the work done on time and meet deadlines. While doing my National diploma I was also working as a part-time customer service sales representative. I became full time agent right after I graduated at university. I am a customer relation professional with more than six years of experience in customer service work, inbound and outbound calls, emails and social media. I have excellent verbal skills with the ability to communicate my thoughts and information in a clear and easy to understand manner. I am confident that the experience, the capabilities I have, make me ready for any opportunity. I speak French, English, Swahili, and Lingala I love singing and dancing, reading, and my favorites animals are dogs and cats. Looking forward to be part of Zagenie family! Thank you!

 Listings /  Africa

We celebrate volunteerism by conceiving and producing ambitious collective-action platforms that blend culture and social impact. We’re motivated to foster understanding by creating authentic connections –between partner organisations and their people– with the broader community. Projects intervene wherever there is need, ranging from designing programs to help shape S.T.E.A.M education, to regenerating green spaces and natural habitats, to refurbishing buildings, to developing urban food alternatives, such as shipping-container farms. Project works are calibrated to create the most fun and rewarding volunteer experiences whilst efficiently delivering the highest impact with the lowest waste. Our social impact work began in 2005 when helping to establish Guinness’ Water of Life program in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the 15 years since, a broad variety of innovative platforms and projects have been designed and delivered in Australia, the US, UK and Brazil. Corps Projects operates from Perth, Western Australia.

 Listings /  Oceania/Antarctic

I would consider myself a mix of both introverted and extroverted. I love being around and working with people, but I also enjoy my own company. I’m also very family orientated. Family is everything to me! My passions are a mix between working with/building fruitful relationships with people whether it be in the workplace or day to day life, I love helping people and bringing out the best of those around me. Outside of that, I also love doing anything to do with being outdoors. I’m always up for an adventure such as hiking, camping or even just a walk along the beach. I’m also passionate about and absolutely love animals. I’ve done horse-riding practically my entire life and it’s so therapeutic for me, to just get out into the country and get my mind off everything going on. I was born in Johannesburg, but lived the majority of my life in the beautiful mother city known as Cape Town. I’ve never got the chance to travel outside of South Africa, however it is something I have always wanted to do, and I know I will accomplish in the future. In the meantime, there’s actually so many parts of my own country that I haven’t even experienced yet, so I’d love to start there. My work life has involved various industries, starting off with retail and moving on to the sales environment, both internal and external. I could say I had a certain plan for my life and career, but that all changed when I unexpectedly fell pregnant with my son. I then went from being an independent, carefree person to spending the last few months staying at home with my child. Which has honestly been life changing and I wouldn’t change a thing! However, it’s now time to get back into the working world and do everything in my power to give my son the life he deserves and one I wish I had growing up.

 Listings /  Africa

Rome wasn't built in a day. I’m of a very friendly nature and love to be with people who aren’t selfish. I am ambitious and will do anything to achieve my aim - "The Universe applauds action not thought"  I’m of a very adventurous nature and love to find good in everything I see. There are many things that make us depressed or upset, but that doesn’t mean that we stop living. You dust yourself off, honor the difficult times for the lesson it taught you, and walk away stronger and wiser. Independence and confidence were key in my life from a young age with venturing to the UK straight after school, and eventually ending up in Cape Town as my dream destination to live a happy balanced life where beautiful sunsets are part of your everyday life, and reminds you that dreams do come true. My professional life started as a labourer painting parks in the dire UK winter weather to Insurance consultant for a huge corporate company. Getting to know me over time it became clear that I adapt quickly and take pride in everything I do as I strive to leave everything and everyone better than you found them. Covid-19 and the drastic changes that came with it has been the most challenging and rewarding time of my life. With a system that failed us all in so many ways, living a financially stable life is nearly impossible but forced me to get grounded with nature and realize that the best things in life are truly free. My senses for nature, animals, and my overall humility enhanced drastically. We are all just reminded once again that nothing ever goes as planned and that losing everything including your mind might be necessary to make you realize what a strong, resilient, and galactic species we truly are. Realizing this, I am now more than ever ready to spread love and kindness whilst challenging myself with new adventures that push me out of my comfort zone. There is no other time than the present that truly matters. And in this moment I am excited to change my reality and the lives of those around me.

 Listings /  Africa

I am a 28-year-old woman who is passionate about youth work in communities across South Africa. I have volunteered my time with NGO’s specifically tailored for the youth in Cape Town, Port Shepstone and East London. I believe that the youth are capable of great things in our country and the entire world, I take great pride in mentoring young girls to believe the above-mentioned statement and to push themselves to get to their goals. The concept of hard work is simply lost in the generation of instant gratification and I believe that every person needs to learn this, starting from a young age. I have dedicated my time to schools as a sports coach, tutor and during Holiday Clubs that teach children ages 12-18 about life skills and the potential that they have. I am family oriented and believe in working hard in all areas of my life. I think of myself as an intelligent and super energetic being, I love all things that make me laugh and I am a super fun person. I am a wife and mom who is devoted and loves her family very much. I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Theology and look forward to working towards a Master’s specializing in Pastoral Care/Social work. My skills range from retail, online teaching and proofreading and editing, and I put my all in what I do. I do not believe in taking shortcuts and giving up when the going gets tough, trying and trying again is an attitude that I have taken a liking to and I pour my all in every project that I am involved in. I am a firm believer in serving others and I do that with no motives, other than to be a memory in their lives that brought hope and a new determination. That is who I am and what I stand for, to be a part of something that makes others lives better and gives them the ability to believe in themselves.

 Listings /  Africa

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